03 June 2011

Nia Syuhada @ 3months

Mencuri waktu di pagi Jumaat, mood kerja tu ada kureeenngg sikit, hehe, enjin lum panas la katakan. Masih ada beberapa entry yang pending, seperti update on our 3rd anniversary at penang. ntah bila la rajin nk menulis tu ada, nk kena cari balik gambar2 semasa di penang. Sayangnya, kali ni, kami tak berkesempatan nk ambil gambar berdua. Mostly gambar si kecik je, tu pun dia tengah demam (sesampai di penang terus demam).

Hari ni sy nk update sedikit perkembangan Rania ketika umurnya genap 3ulan pada bulan May lepas. 

She had her 3rd month immunisation at Klinik Rassi. Tak sempat nk pergi GMC jumpa doctor pakar sebab minggu tu kami balik kg Melaka.So far, doc komen perkembangan Nia goes well. Tak gemuk, tak kurus. Just nice. Yg kelakar nya, masa doc check dada dia, sibuk pula dia nk tangkap stetoskop doctor, membuatkan si doctor tergelak-gelak. Macam biasa, Nia hanya merengek manja bila nk kena "jab" - tu pun sebab dia dipegang oleh 2orang nurse termasuk dady-nya - mungkin rimas. Sebaik jarum dicucuk di muntut cumilnya (hehe).. baru la terdengar jeritan nyaring dan diikuti rengekan manja selepas selesai. Doc bekalkan ubat demam (in case) andai suntikan tersebut menyebabkan dia demam tapi Alhamdulillah, si kecil sihat dan riang gembira.

Doc did advise for additional vaccination which called Rotavirus and Pneumococcal. Both was not cheap, it will cost you RM180 and above (depends on the clinic) and both does not available at Klinik Kerajaan. For me, the amount was nothing to compared to the life of my sweet little girl. More on the vaccination as below (source from http://drjasonong.blogspot.com/2010/02/malaysia-vaccination-programme.html)

Attached below the tables of the standard Malaysia Vaccination programme:

Malaysia - Mandatory by Kementerian Kesihatan
Immunisation Against
Hep B
Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine
2 months
Hep B
DTP / Hib / Polio
Hepatitis B vaccine
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, pertussis vaccine Haemophilus influenzae vaccine Oral Polio vaccine
3 months
Hep B
DTP / Hib / Polio
Hepatitis B vaccine
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, pertussis vaccine Haemophilus influenzae vaccine Oral Polio vaccine
5 months
Hep B
DTP / Hib / Polio
Hepatitis B vaccine
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, pertussis vaccine Haemophilus influenzae vaccine Oral Polio vaccine
1 year
Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine
18 months
DTP / Hib / Polio
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, pertussis vaccine Haemophilus influenzae vaccine Oral Polio vaccine
Malaysia - Recommended
Immunisation Against

2 months
Pneumococcal C

3 months
Pneumococcal C

5 months
Pneumococcal C

6 months
Influenza (annually)

1 year
Chicken Pox
Pneumococcal C

2 years
Pneumococcal P
Hepatitis A

2.5 years
Hepatitis A

It is compulsory for the baby to undergo mandatory vaccination as stated in the table 1.

The pneumococcal and rotavirus are categorised in the table 2 as the optional and recommended vaccination.
Both pneumococcal and rotavirus are not available in the government health clinic.
The parents need to obtain the injection in the private clinic with the cost range from RM 220- RM 250 per injection for pneumococcal and RM 150 per injection for Rotavirus.
Pneumococcal is associated with lung infection, ear infection and brain infection of the newborn.
Rotavirus infection is associated with severe infant diarrhoea and vomitting.
The number of injection of pneumococcal is depent on how soon the baby starts its injection.
If the baby starts its injection from 2 months, he/she will require 4 injections. If the injection is started after 1 year old, he/she will only need 2 injections.
However, the earlier you start the pneumococcal injection, the earlier baby will receive the protection from the pneumococcal infection.

more info: 
The infection is caused by pneumococcus bacteria, also known as Streptococcus pneumoniae. These bugs live in the mucous lining of the nose and in the back of the throat, and when plentiful enough can cause an infection in the respiratory tract, middle ear, or sinus cavities.
Pneumococcal bacteria are spread by close contact and through coughing and sneezing. Diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia can crop up within days of infection.
Symptoms of pneumococcal pneumonia usually include fever and chills with shaking or trembling, as well as chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, fatigue, and weakness.
Babies who are sent to day-care are at the highest risk of getting this terrible disease. So, it is wise to get your baby vaccinated as soon as possible.

Back to Rania Nur Syuhada :)

3rd immunisation: 10/5/2011 @ 3months old
Weight : 5.2kg 

 (Sumber dari: Blog Mommy-Germs)

Menguasai Kemahiran:
  1. Mengenali muka dan bau anda - dah kenal
  2. Menegakkan kepala dengan tegap - dah pandai
  3. Memandang mengikut objek yg bergerak - sangat pandai
Lambat Menguasai Kemahiran
  1. Menjerit, membuat bunyi mengagah dan kukur - sangat2 pandai, siap ajak menyembang
  2. Menyembur air liur - tersangat pandai.. habis basah baju
  3. Mengenali suara anda- dah pandai
  4. Melakukan tekan tubi mini - tak berapa, boleh tapi jgn lama...
Cepat Menguasai Kemahiran
  1. Berguling, daripada meniarap ke menelentang - belum lagi
  2. Menoleh ke arah bunyi yang kuat - bukan menoleh saja, siap terkejut, kadang2 menangis..(nasib baik dia tak melatah)
  3. Memegang tangan sendiri, tendang alat2 mainan - dah pandai.. boleh gelak lagi bila alat mainan dia mengeluarkan bunyi
  • 'Menguasai Kemahiran' -Kemahiran yg dapat dikuasai oleh kebanyakkan baby(most of babies)
  • 'Lambat 'Menguasai Kemahiran' -Kemahiran yang sesetengah baby sahaja dapat kuasai (half of babies can do). 
  • 'Cepat 'Menguasai Kemahiran' -Kemahiran yang hanya dapat dikuasai oleh baby tertentu sahaja (a few only).

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